Monday, November 28, 2016

A World We Dare To Imagine Part 3

Helping Hand Hospitals Organization

Our mission is to bring healthcare and aid to as many people and communities as possible who do not have the resources or skills to care for themselves.

Ever since I worked in a charity hospital in Cambodia, I have had a passion for providing people basic healthcare rights. In Cambodia, people have large, debilitating acid burns and birth defects that prevent them from living normal lives because they are shunned from society. Other people live too far from any hospital that they can afford to get taken care of in time, so they end up with amputations or even death that could have been prevented by more accessible healthcare. These are the people that our organization will help.

Hospitals have started in Africa and East Asia and will continue to spread to places that have the highest need for local hospitals. This includes in rural villages with no other options when they need surgery or something only Western medicine can heal.

The organization provides donated materials to build hospitals with the minimum amount of space and tools to function. Basic wound care is provided, and with every new hospital in the rural areas they are built, volunteer doctors from first-world countries start each hospital and take care of patients. Medical students from Europe and America will be able to use these hospitals as part of their school credit and can learn from the doctors while also helping those community members who will be trained to help their people.

This organization is unique because it allows established doctors from the community, who have already completed medical schools, to enter a training and shadowing program with these volunteer doctors. The training program allows those members of a community or living nearby to train with the volunteer doctors and learn how to care for their own people. Knowing basic care and certain operational procedures is crucial to saving lives, and the local doctors will learn how best to tend to the more specific problems of the country and local community.

These hospitals are life changing for the people that are helped. The training program for local doctors allows the locals to have some say in how things are run and can know what is best for their local people. The Western doctors are essential in building a relationship and educating the locals in more ways than they have been schooled in their own country. People who need healthcare immediately no longer have to walk for two weeks to see a doctor, but rather they can find a local charity hospital where they can be taken care of in time before they develop worse, incurable diseases. People in unfortunate circumstances still deserve the chance at a healthy life, and the Helping Hands Hospitals organization will give it to them.

This organization’s first goal is to care for the people involved. In order to keep the hospitals less of a burden on the community, the hospitals are green and are created to be sustainable. People giving charity and time is how these hospitals are run, and as long as some people are generous at the beginning, once they are established the locals should be capable of running it smoothly and needing little from outside help once it is started.